JR grew up on the Chattahoochee River in South Georgia, Rachel is a native of Clarks Summit, PA, and they now happily call Easton, PA their home.
JR is an alumni of Georgia College & State University, holding a degree in Business Management with specialities in Sales and Logistics. Prior to that, JR completed a 9-month intensive gap year program at Impact 360, that focuses on developing students in the areas of apologetics, biblical worldview, spiritual rhythms, international and domestic servanthood, and biblical leadership. During his time in college JR was able to serve as both leader of men’s ministry and vice president of his campus ministry organization Baptist Collegiate Ministries, where he oversaw volunteers, lead teachings, and organized ministry events for his campus.
Rachel graduated from Georgia Southern University where she completed a degree in Spanish with minors in Public Relations and Nonprofit Management. During her time in college she began a local chapter of a woman’s ministry where she oversaw volunteers, organized events, and lead teachings. Additionally, Rachel started an organization called You Matter Letters where she uses handwritten letters of encouragement to spread the love of Christ. Rachel currently serves as a marketing advisor for small business owners at Rising Tide Community Loan Fund, a subsidiary of Community Action Lehigh Valley.
Their relocation to Pennsylvania was a result of the Lord's hand leading them to a local warehouse job in the Easton area. Before moving to the area, they discovered Cornerstone, where they were embraced with love, warmth, and a scripture-centered community. They were able to quickly plug into the cornerstone church family through community groups, discipleship groups, and volunteer opportunities. Most recently, they started a new young adult community group because of the growing young adult community at Cornerstone.
In his role as the Director of Student Ministries at Cornerstone Church, JR feels both excited and honored. He is looking forward to partnering with families and showing the love of Christ to students. He asks that you pray for him to humbly teach God's Word and personally know and love the students at Cornerstone Church.